
Mafia Cheats

Cheat Codes:
To activate the following cheats, hold SHIFT and ~ during gameplay and type the corresponding codes:

Invulnerability – badgangsters
Restock guns and ammunition – deadguns
Extra health – mademan

Cheat Codes (alternate):

Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat:

Big hands – boxer
Folds roof down on convertibles – jizda
Unlimited ammunition – municak
Full health – krefjezivot
Increase draw distance – cumdal
Large ship goes under the nearest bridge – parnik
Steal any car – cornufse

Easy money:
To earn $500, kill the gangsters wearing all black suits and black hats. To earn $100, blow up cars. You can also earn money by going into the countryside on the main road and speeding in a fast car, or by driving taxis.

Free ride extreme mode:
To unlock Free ride extreme mode which unlocks new cars and disables police, beat the game.

All Prototype car models:
To unlock all Prototype car models, beat every mission in Free Ride Extreme mode.

Lose cops quickly:
To easily lose cops, go to a rail station, elevated rail station, or trolley and wait for you wanted level to go down.

Free Lassiteer V16 roadster:
To get a free Lassiteer V16 roadster, go into free ride mode and choose City-Small and any car. Drive around in the “working quarters” until you find a two story car park garage next to a building with a sign that reads “Lost Heaven Hardware Co.”. Drive up the ramp to the second level. In the corner, there should be a large green car, the Lassiteer V16 roadster. It will be unlocked.

All special cars:
Get to top right corner of the Oakwood in Extreme mode. You will see two phone booths. Go to the one near the curve to the left, and not the one opposite the Oakwood High School. You will see a house to the left of it with a dark blue door. Get near it and press [Action]. Get back to your house in Oakwood and save the game. Quit the current game and start Free Ride mode. You will now be able to select any car. Note: Nothing will say that you have unlocked all Free Ride Xtreme cars, but if you check the Free Ride car selection screen, the cars should be listed there under “Prototypes”.

Win the race:
Drive up to the first checkpoint and slow down. Behind the boulders is a short patch of sand where you can drive onto the closed road. This of course is the “wrong way” and if you plan to go through it, you will be faster but not complete the lap. You will not win unless you do the following. Drive up to the end of the road, just past the “Dunniel” (or something similar) sign, where you get your checkpoint information and select “Replace Car” (default is [Keypad 0]). The goal is now just a few inches away. You must to do this five times. By doing so, you can finish the race in a little less than six minutes. Note: Make sure you do not crash on the closed road as the “Replace Car” might not work there, or will place you back to the first checkpoint.

If you have a steering wheel, map it quick. Gun it all the way on the first lap. Just get in the first place position by the finishing straight. You can now go safely to the finish line. On the large banked corner at the end, go very close to the wall as you will lose less speed.

Switch to manual gear ( PC default is M) just after you get past the stuck car. The gear then should switch to second , You would see the number “2” in the square in the middle of your speedometer. Remain in second gear until the end of the race. Slow down before turns (either release the key or brake before sharp turns). You still need a lot of practice and must know the track in order to finish first. Also, if you are not at least fifth place after the first lap and at least third place after the second lap, start over. This will save a lot of time.

Shoot off tires:
Aiming at tires and shooting where the bolts are, in the middle. This works best with the Tommy gun.

Vehicle kill zones:
When taking out a vehicle, the following are the easiest and quickest ways to do so. Direct hits to the radiator in most cars will blow them up with two or three shots with the sawed-off shotgun, which is the weapon of choice. Some other good spots to hit are the front right, front left, and rear (central rear panel where gas tank would be located).

Quick gun:

While driving through the city, you will encounter many police officers. You can run one of them down and pick up his standard issued gun. Your wanted level will go up, but immediately diminish. This works best if there is only one police officer, on foot, with no police officer witnesses.

In free ride mode, taxi drivers and sometimes regular motorists will carry the small brown revolver and the small silver revolver. Pull them out of their cars and kill them to get the weapon.

Killing people in black suits:
Walk behind them and shoot them. This works best with the sawed off shotgun.

Use a car for killing them and run them over. When they drop their weapons, they are dead.

When they are on the street, use the machine gun to spray them in the back. If done correctly, they will not even have a chance to turn around.

Fast reload:
Press [Reload], then roll left or right.

Free Ride mode: Repair damaged car:
If you have a flat tire or any other damage to your car, just drive out to the countryside (so that a loading screen appears). After the load, your car will be fixed.

In Free Ride mode, if you get into trouble head out of town. There are three exits. Two are in Chinatown, and one is the way to the airport. This will repair any damage to your car, get police or gangsters off your tail, and if you die it will be your last saved point. This will also clean up all the weapons that are left lying around. Unfortunately it will also remove the cars that you left in town. It will not heal you or fill your car with gas. It will stop your car from losing gas quickly if your car is damaged. This does not work in the small town.

Lose cops quickly:
Get to a rail station, elevated rail station, or trolley. Get in and wait until your wanted level goes down.

The most efficient way to evade the police is make a lot of turns. The best turns are in front of or behind another car or the trolley. The police will try to make your exact turn, but will run into the car or trolley. You can also make turns between light posts close to the curb if your car is small or short enough. This also works well during the first mission.

If you have a gun and the cops are after you, you can get rid of them by shooting them. This takes some practice, but it can be done. You have to be on foot. Shoot both cops until their weapons fall. Head shots work best. If you manage to kill both advancing officers, you will no longer be wanted. This works best if there is only one car after you (the offense does not matter). The more the cars, the more difficult it is.

If you are caught driving fast and a cop is chasing you, get out of the car when the police are far behind. The cop gets confused and the wanted bar will disappear quickly if you hide away from the road. If you are caught on foot, get in a vehicle and quickly get out of the area. Park it in a quiet place and wait in the car until the wanted bar disappears. Note: A cop can determine your speed only when you cross him. You may run at high speed but make sure you slow down before you pass by a cop vehicle or a cop on foot.

“The Death Of Art”: Easy completion:
When you go to meet Sam after killing the men downstairs, he will start shooting. Go back in quickly so that none of the bullets hit you. Wait until he turns around. Come out and shoot him. When you reload, come back in quickly then wait. He will turn around again. Come out and shoot him. Keep doing this until he runs away. Run to the place where Sam was standing. You will see a pool of blood. Follow the path of blood. You will see a wall going to the left. Sam is hiding behind there. Run towards it and shoot the wall with your gun until Sam comes out. Because you were shooting the wall before Sam appears, he will then get injured. You will see the cinematic of Tommy killing Sam. Note: Make sure that you come out of the wall so Sam can see you and start shooting. If you do not do this, Sam will not turn around.

When you go to meet Sam at the top level of the museum, you are already hiding behind a wall. Sam is opposite of you with a Thompson. Shoot the top of the wall wher you are hiding behind with about 35 rounds from the Tommy gun. It will collapse downwards and the whole museum will shake. You will see a cinematic where bricks fall on Sam and he dies.
If you walk in the museum without the Colt Detective, it will not automatically go to it. Instead you will be able to use whatever you have in your hands. If you have the Thompson it can be used to clean up all the enemies easily. Remember to check the bodies. At least two of them have grenades on them, which are very useful for some rooms.

“Better Get Used To It”: Bucket weapon:
Vincenzo gives you a bat and a gun. Turn around and pick up the bucket that is in the room. You can use it as a weapon, and it is easier to control than the bat.

“Better Get Used To It”: Car as a weapon:
If you want to protect Paulie, after smacking the first thug to death, you can go back. Use the red door to exit to the street. Go left until reaching the end of the street and go back to the yard. Paulie will not follow you any longer. After this is done, you can get into the car and actually kill some of the thugs by running over them. Although the passage forward is very narrow, you can squeeze through to the area where two thugs are beating the third man.

“Better Get Used To It”: Easy completion:
If you want to protect Paulie, after smacking the first thug to death, you can go back. Exit the red door to the street. Go left until the end of the street and go back to the yard. Paulie will not follow you any longer. After that, you can get into the car and actually kill some of the thugs by running over them. Although the passage forward is very narrow, you can squeeze yourself to the area where two thugs are beating the third person.

“Bon Appetit”: Easy completion:
When Saliari asks you to go around the restaurant, kill the gangster with the Tommy gun in the alley. Take the Tommy gun from him. Wait in the alley at the end of the stairs. After a little while, about four to five gangsters will exit from the door. Kill them and take their guns. Do not go through the door. It is better to go around the street because the gangsters who’s left will be looking towards Saliari and will not suspect that someone will come from that direction. Use the element of surprise. Note: Watch out for the gangster with the Tommy gun standing at the window that is above the door near the restaurant. The best way to kill him is not to go behind him; it is by going under the window and shooting him.


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