Cheat Mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “flux.ini” file in the game folder. Change the “developer_mode = 0” entry to “developer_mode = 1”. Save the file, then enter the “/configs” folder. Use a text editor to edit the “default.ini” file. Locate the cheat key section towards the end of the file and add the following entries.
Begin game play, then press all three keys as previously defined to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Using the cheats may cause the game’s story line to fail.
Other cheats can be enabled by also adding the following lines to the file.
[ScriptKeys.StartGMission]Keyboard, G, SHIFT [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerDebug]
Keyboard, M, CTRL, ALT [icDirector.DevCycleAllCameras]
Keyboard, F1, CTRL [Game.ToggleDeveloperMode]
Keyboard, D, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleShipInformationMode]
Keyboard, Z, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevReloadModifiedResources]
Keyboard, L, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleStatistics]
Keyboard, S, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleTasks]
Keyboard, T, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleProfile]
Keyboard, P, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleBounds]
Keyboard, B, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevRemoteAll]
Keyboard, R, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevShowAllContacts]
Keyboard, A, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevShowPlayerContact]
Keyboard, Tab, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevIndestructable]
Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevKillCurrentTarget]
Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevJumpToCurrentTarget]
Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevDamageSelf]
Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT [FcConsole.Toggle]
Keyboard, Home, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollDown]
Keyboard, PageDown, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollUp]
Keyboard, PageUp, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollToEnd]
Keyboard, End, SHIFT [fcGraphicsDeviceD3D.TakeScreenShot]
Keyboard, F12
The full list of commands that can be edited into the file is as follows:
; $Header: /iwar2/configs/default.ini 69 08/07/01 00:00 BRIT $
; I-War II developer mode commands
Keyboard, G, SHIFT [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerDebug]
Keyboard, M, CTRL, ALT [icDirector.DevCycleAllCameras]
Keyboard, F1, CTRL [Game.ToggleDeveloperMode]
Keyboard, D, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleShipInformationMode]
Keyboard, Z, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevReloadModifiedResources]
Keyboard, L, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleStatistics]
Keyboard, S, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleTasks]
Keyboard, T, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleProfile]
Keyboard, P, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleBounds]
Keyboard, B, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevRemoteAll]
Keyboard, R, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevShowAllContacts]
Keyboard, A, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevShowPlayerContact]
Keyboard, Tab, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevIndestructable]
Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevKillCurrentTarget]
Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevJumpToCurrentTarget]
Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevDamageSelf]
Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT [FcConsole.Toggle]
Keyboard, Home, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollDown]
Keyboard, PageDown, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollUp]
Keyboard, PageUp, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollToEnd]
Keyboard, End, SHIFT [fcGraphicsDeviceD3D.TakeScreenShot]
Keyboard, F12
; I-War II shell commands
Keyboard, Q, CTRL, ALT [SpaceFlight.Quit]
Keyboard, Q, SHIFT [SpaceFlight.Pause]
Keyboard, Pause
Keyboard, P [SpaceFlight.PDA]
Keyboard, Escape [Options.Leave]
Keyboard, Escape [GUI.ControlFocusLeft]
Keyboard, Left
Joystick1, JoyPov1Left [GUI.ControlFocusUp]
Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPov1Up [GUI.ControlFocusRight]
Keyboard, Right
Joystick1, JoyPov1Right [GUI.ControlFocusDown]
Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPov1Down [GUI.ControlFocusCancel]
Keyboard, Escape
Joystick1, JoyButton2
Mouse, MouseButton2 [GUI.ControlFocusSelect]
Keyboard, Return
Keyboard, NumPadReturn
Joystick1, JoyButton1 [GUI.HTMLBack]
Keyboard, Backspace
; I-War II in-flight commands
; Yoke
[icPlayerPilot.Yaw]Joystick1, JoyXAxis [icPlayerPilot.Pitch]
Joystick1, JoyYAxis, inverse [icPlayerPilot.Roll]
Joystick1, JoyRZAxis [icPlayerPilot.RollYawToggleHold]
Joystick1, Joybutton2
; Throttle
[icPlayerPilot.Throttle]Joystick1, JoyZAxis, inverse
Joystick1, JoyUAxis, inverse [icPlayerPilot.ThrottleDelta]
Keyboard, Equals
Keyboard, Minus, inverse
; Thrusters
[icPlayerPilot.LateralX]Keyboard, D
Keyboard, A, inverse
Joystick1, JoyXAxis, ALT [icPlayerPilot.LateralY]
Joystick1, JoyYAxis, ALT [icPlayerPilot.LateralZ]
Keyboard, W
Keyboard, S, inverse
Joystick1, Joybutton7
Joystick1, Joybutton8, inverse
; Fly-by-wire modes
[icPlayerPilot.FreeHold]Keyboard, LeftControl [icPlayerPilot.FreeToggle]
Keyboard, N
; Fire control
[icPlayerPilot.CurrentWeaponFire]Joystick1, JoyButton1
Keyboard, Space [icPlayerPilot.LDSIQuickFire]
Keyboard, I [icPlayerPilot.ToggleAimAssist]
Keyboard, X [icPlayerPilot.ToggleZoom]
Keyboard, Z [icPlayerPilot.ToggleWeaponLinkingMode]
Keyboard, F
; LDS drive
[icPlayerPilot.ToggleLDS]Keyboard, L
; Docking
[icPlayerPilot.Undock]Keyboard, U
; Targetting
[icPlayerPilot.CycleContactUp]Keyboard, Comma
Joystick1, JoyButton6
Joystick1, JoyButton3, SHIFT [icPlayerPilot.CycleContactDown]
Keyboard, Dot
Joystick1, JoyButton5
Joystick1, JoyButton4, SHIFT [icPlayerPilot.CycleContactTop]
Keyboard, Home [icPlayerPilot.CycleContactBottom]
Keyboard, End [icPlayerPilot.TargetNearestEnemy]
Keyboard, R [icPlayerPilot.TargetNearestShipToDirection]
Keyboard, T
Joystick1, JoyButton2 [icPlayerPilot.TargetLastAggressor]
Keyboard, Q [icPlayerPilot.SubTarget]
Keyboard, Y [icPlayerPilot.CycleEnemy]
Keyboard, E [icPlayerPilot.CycleCritical]
Keyboard, C
; Weapon cycling
[icPlayerPilot.NextWeapon]Keyboard, RightBracket [icPlayerPilot.NextPrimaryWeapon]
Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton4 [icPlayerPilot.NextSecondaryWeapon]
Keyboard, Backspace
Joystick1, JoyButton3
; Engineering
[icPlayerPilot.PowerToOffensive]Keyboard, Left, SHIFT [icPlayerPilot.PowerToDefensive]
Keyboard, Right, SHIFT [icPlayerPilot.PowerToDrive]
Keyboard, Down, SHIFT [icPlayerPilot.BalancePower]
Keyboard, Up, SHIFT
; Autopilots
[icPlayerPilot.AutopilotOff]Keyboard, F5 [icPlayerPilot.AutopilotApproach]
Keyboard, F6 [icPlayerPilot.AutopilotFormate]
Keyboard, F7 [icPlayerPilot.AutopilotDock]
Keyboard, F8 [icPlayerPilot.AutopilotMatchVelocity]
Keyboard, F9 [icPlayerPilot.RemotePilot]
Keyboard, R, SHIFT
; Camera selection
[icDirector.InternalCamera]Keyboard, F1 [icDirector.TacticalCamera]
Keyboard, F2 [icDirector.ExternalCamera]
Keyboard, F3 [icDirector.DropCamera]
Keyboard, F4 [icDirector.AutoMode]
Keyboard, F11
; Camera control
[icDirector.Pan]Keyboard, NumPad6
Keyboard, NumPad4, inverse [icDirector.Tilt]
Keyboard, NumPad8
Keyboard, NumPad2, inverse [icDirector.Roll]
Keyboard, NumPad7
Keyboard, NumPad9, inverse [icDirector.Zoom]
Keyboard, NumPadPlus, inverse
Keyboard, NumPadMinus [icDirector.ZoomToFit]
Mouse, MouseButton3
Keyboard, NumPadStar [icDirector.MouseDeltaPan]
Mouse, MouseXAxis, inverse [icDirector.MouseDeltaTilt]
Mouse, MouseYAxis [icDirector.MouseDeltaZoom]
Mouse, MouseZAxis, inverse [icDirector.MouseRollModifier]
Mouse, MouseButton2 [icDirector.MouseZoomModifier]
Mouse, MouseButton1 [icDirector.Skip]
Keyboard, Space
; Game controls
[Game.PauseSimulation]Keyboard, Pause
Keyboard, P [Game.MovieSkip]
Keyboard, Space
Keyboard, Escape
Keyboard, Return
; PDA control
; iWar2 HUD commands
Keyboard, Left
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Left [HUD.MenuRight]
Keyboard, Right
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Right [HUD.MenuUp]
Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Up [HUD.MenuDown]
Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Down [HUD.MenuSelect]
Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton1 [HUD.MenuCancel]
Keyboard, Backspace
Joystick1, JoyButton2 [HUD.Objectives]
Keyboard, O, SHIFT [HUD.Starmap]
Keyboard, M, SHIFT [HUD.Log]
Keyboard, L, SHIFT [HUD.Engineering]
Keyboard, E, SHIFT [HUD.Statistics]
Keyboard, S, SHIFT
; iWar2 comms commands
Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Up [icComms.NextResponse]
Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Down [icComms.SayResponse]
Keyboard, Space
Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton1 [icComms.SkipPhrase]
Keyboard, Delete
; Generic Flux input commands.
Mouse, MouseAbsXAxis [PointerY]
Mouse, MouseAbsYAxis [PointerZ]
Mouse, MouseZAxis [PointerButton1]
Mouse, MouseButton1 [PointerButton2]
Mouse, MouseButton2 [PointerButton3]
Mouse, MouseButton2
; Script Bindings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
[ScriptKeys.StartJafsScript]Keyboard, J
; Cutscene accessor
[ScriptKeys.SkipCutscene]Keyboard, Space
; Wingmen Commands
[ScriptKeys.WingmenReportStatus]Keyboard, 1 [ScriptKeys.WingmenDefendPlayer]
Keyboard, 2 [ScriptKeys.WingmenAttackTarget]
Keyboard, 3 [ScriptKeys.WingmenDefendTarget]
Keyboard, 4 [ScriptKeys.WingmenDockToTarget]
Keyboard, 5 [ScriptKeys.WingmenHalt]
Keyboard, 6
; T-Fighter Commands
[ScriptKeys.TFighterAttachDetach]Keyboard, 0 [ScriptKeys.TFighterCeaseFire]
Keyboard, 7 [ScriptKeys.TFighterAttackTarget]
Keyboard, 8 [ScriptKeys.TFighterFireAtWill]
Keyboard, 9
; Demo Commands
[ScriptKeys.NextPlayerShip]Keyboard, PageUp [ScriptKeys.PreviousPlayerShip]
Keyboard, PageDown
; Multiplayer Commands
[Multiplayer.Score]Keyboard, Tab [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerSay]
Keyboard, Backquote [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerTeamSay]
Keyboard, Backquote, SHIFT [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerAutoTaunt1]
Keyboard, 1, SHIFT [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerAutoTaunt2]
Keyboard, 2, SHIFT [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerAutoTaunt3]
Keyboard, 3, SHIFT [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerAutoTaunt4]
Keyboard, 4, SHIFT
; AI Test Suit Commands
[ScriptKeys.SetupMenu]Keyboard, O, ALT [ScriptKeys.OrdersMenu]
Keyboard, P, ALT
; csvchecker commands
Keyboard, F, SHIFT
; Cheat keys
[ScriptKeys.StartJumpSystem]Keyboard, J, SHIFT [ScriptKeys.CheatJafs]
Keyboard, J, ALT
; EOF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;