

Easily selecting units:
To easily select units, first select a group of units and press [CTRL] and a number from 0-9 to assign them to that number. Then, press the number you assigned them to again to select them.

Defend base with Americans:
To easily defend your base or another location while playing as the Americans, put six Rocket Soldiers and four Sniper inside a building. The rocket soldiers will take down vehicles and ships while the snipers will take out infantry.

Helicopter pilots always eject with Americans:
To eject from a falling helicopter(must be ranked veteran, elite, or heroic) while playing as the Americans, use the green drag-box to select the helicopter. The pilot should eject.

Two for one armies with GLA:
To be able to construct another armies installations, use Jarrem Kell to kill the driver of an USA or China Constuction Dozer. Then, send Jarrem or another soldier inside the Dozer.

To improve Honors, you will need to edit a game file; create a backup before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “skirmishstats.ini” file in the “command and conquer generals data” folder. It can be found in “c:my documents” or “c:documents and settingsadministrator” in Windows XP. Change the Honors line to “Honors = 999999999999999”.

100% complete:
To instantly get 100% game completion, you will need to edit a game file; create a backup before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “skirmishstats.ini” file in the “command and conquer generals data” folder. It is located in “c:my documents” or “c:documents and settingsadministrator”. Replace the current contents of the file with the following:

BestWinStreak = 100
Challenge = 0
Honors = 1000000
LastHouse = America
Losses = 0
LoyalGames = 31
Nuke = 1
PPC = 1
SCUD = 1
WinStreak = 100
Wins = 100
mapsalpine assaultalpine assault.map_2 = 1
mapsarmored furyarmored fury.map_2 = 2
mapsdark mountaindark mountain.map_2 = 1
mapsdesert furydesert fury.map_2 = 1
mapsfallen empirefallen empire.map_2 = 1
mapsfinal crusadefinal crusade.map_2 = 1
mapsfortress avalanchefortress avalanche.map_2 = 3
mapsgolden oasisgolden oasis.map_2 = 1
mapsheartland shieldheartland shield.map_2 = 1
mapshomeland alliancehomeland alliance.map_2 = 3
mapslone eaglelone eagle.map_2 = 1
ogue agent
ogue agent.map_2 = 1
mapssand serpentsand serpent.map_2 = 1
mapsscorched earthscorched earth.map_2 = 1
mapssilent riversilent river.map_2 = 1
maps ournament desert ournament desert.map_2 = 1
maps ournament island ournament island.map_2 = 1
maps ournament lake ournament lake.map_2 = 1
maps ournament tundra ournament tundra.map_2 = 1
maps wilight flame wilight flame.map_2 = 3
mapswasteland warlordswasteland warlords.map_2 = 1
mapswhiteoutwhiteout.map_2 = 3
mapswinter wolfwinter wolf.map_2 = 1

Note: Enter the following into the file to achieve all medals and honors and also have gold stars for every official map, instead of just bronze stars.

BestWinStreak = 66
Challenge = 0
Honors = 178682
LastHouse = America
LoyalGames = 1
Nuke = 1
PPC = 1
SCUD = 1
WinStreak = 66
Wins = 66
mapsalpine assaultalpine assault.map_2 = 1
mapsalpine assaultalpine assault.map_3 = 1
mapsalpine assaultalpine assault.map_4 = 1
mapsarmored furyarmored fury.map_2 = 1
mapsarmored furyarmored fury.map_3 = 1
mapsarmored furyarmored fury.map_4 = 1
mapsdark mountaindark mountain.map_2 = 1
mapsdark mountaindark mountain.map_3 = 1
mapsdark mountaindark mountain.map_4 = 1
mapsdesert furydesert fury.map_2 = 1
mapsdesert furydesert fury.map_3 = 1
mapsdesert furydesert fury.map_4 = 1
mapsfallen empirefallen empire.map_2 = 1
mapsfallen empirefallen empire.map_3 = 1
mapsfallen empirefallen empire.map_4 = 1
mapsfinal crusadefinal crusade.map_2 = 1
mapsfinal crusadefinal crusade.map_3 = 1
mapsfinal crusadefinal crusade.map_4 = 1
mapsfortress avalanchefortress avalanche.map_2 = 1
mapsfortress avalanchefortress avalanche.map_3 = 1
mapsfortress avalanchefortress avalanche.map_4 = 1
mapsgolden oasisgolden oasis.map_2 = 1
mapsgolden oasisgolden oasis.map_3 = 1
mapsgolden oasisgolden oasis.map_4 = 1
mapsheartland shieldheartland shield.map_2 = 1
mapsheartland shieldheartland shield.map_3 = 1
mapsheartland shieldheartland shield.map_4 = 1
mapshomeland alliancehomeland alliance.map_2 = 1
mapshomeland alliancehomeland alliance.map_3 = 1
mapshomeland alliancehomeland alliance.map_4 = 1
mapslone eaglelone eagle.map_2 = 1
mapslone eaglelone eagle.map_3 = 1
mapslone eaglelone eagle.map_4 = 1
mapssand serpentsand serpent.map_2 = 1
mapssand serpentsand serpent.map_3 = 1
mapssand serpentsand serpent.map_4 = 1
mapsscorched earthscorched earth.map_2 = 1
mapsscorched earthscorched earth.map_3 = 1
mapsscorched earthscorched earth.map_4 = 1
mapssilent riversilent river.map_2 = 1
mapssilent riversilent river.map_3 = 1
mapssilent riversilent river.map_4 = 1
maps ournament desert ournament desert.map_2 = 1
maps ournament desert ournament desert.map_3 = 1
maps ournament desert ournament desert.map_4 = 1
maps ournament island ournament island.map_2 = 1
maps ournament island ournament island.map_3 = 1
maps ournament island ournament island.map_4 = 1
maps ournament lake ournament lake.map_2 = 1
maps ournament lake ournament lake.map_3 = 1
maps ournament lake ournament lake.map_4 = 1
maps ournament tundra ournament tundra.map_2 = 1
maps ournament tundra ournament tundra.map_3 = 1
maps ournament tundra ournament tundra.map_4 = 1
maps wilight flame wilight flame.map_2 = 1
maps wilight flame wilight flame.map_3 = 1
maps wilight flame wilight flame.map_4 = 1
mapswasteland warlordswasteland warlords.map_2 = 1
mapswasteland warlordswasteland warlords.map_3 = 1
mapswasteland warlordswasteland warlords.map_4 = 1
mapswhiteoutwhiteout.map_2 = 1
mapswhiteoutwhiteout.map_3 = 1
mapswhiteoutwhiteout.map_4 = 1
mapswinter wolfwinter wolf.map_2 = 1
mapswinter wolfwinter wolf.map_3 = 1
mapswinter wolfwinter wolf.map_4 = 1

Quick start:
Start the game with the -quickstart command line parameter to skip the introduction sequences and go directly to a new, no animation menu.

Skirmish award requirements:
Air Wing Honor – Build over 20 aircraft in a solo or multi-player mode mission.
Apocalypse Honor – Build each of the Super Weapons.
Battle Tank Honor – Build over 50 tanks in a solo or multi-player mode mission.
Blitz Honor – Defeat an enemy in less than 10, 5, or 3 minutes.
China Campaign Honor – Complete China’s campaign mode
Endurance Honor – Complete all Skirmish maps
GLA Campaign Honor – Complete GLA’s campaign mode
Streak Honor – Win 3, 10, or 30 matches in a row.
USA Campaign Honor – Complete USA’s campaign mode

Player ranks:
Get the following point total to advance to the corresponding rank. Note: They are earned in increments of three points for each victory.

Corporal – 5
Sergeant – 10
Lieutenant – 20
Captain – 50
Major – 100
Colonel – 200
Brigadier General – 500
General – 1,000
Commander in Chief – 2,000

Allied artillery:
Use the Strategy Center’s Bombardment. It will be same as the Artillery. Note: If you shoot very close to the Strategy Center, it cannot fire.

Flying man:
Destroy one of the GLA’s assault trucks (Technicals) and the rebel in the back will go flying. Note: Sometimes the rebel can get hit when falling if there area lot of Technicals, however this is rare.

Launch two super weapons for the price of one:

This trick only works with the SCUD Storm. Build a SCUD Storm. Once you can fire it, click it once. Then, attack a target like you would with a regular unit. You will not hear any message that the SCUD Storm has been launched. You must wait for the first nine SCUDS to drop before you can fire it regularly.

Faster Particle Beam Uplink movement:
When using the US Particle Beam Uplink superweapon, keep clicking the area where you want the beam to go. Note: You must still have the blue Particle Beam crosshairs to do this. The beam’s movement will speed up. This is a very effective tactic against weak or damaged structures.

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