
Braveheart Cheats

Cheat Codes:
Press [Delete] during game play in 3D mode to open the message console. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat:

Enable AI cheats – sesquipidilian
Kill all opponents – bannockburn
Kill own troops – the five hundred
Set all buildings on fire – dresden
All troops harder to defeat – steve reeves
All troops retreat – bucks fizz
All walls breached – bastille day
Disable blood – haemorrhage
Kill camera – killcam

Easy points:
Play the game in multi-player offline mode. Advance through all the screens until you get to where you can select weapons. Take as many expensive weapons as you can, but do not put them in your army. Then, select “Back” while holding the weapons to return to the previous screen. Go forward to the screen where you got the weapons, then put the ones you are holding back to where you got them. The points used number will go into negative values. You now have extra points to spend. Repeat this as many times as desired to build your army.

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