
Age Of War Cheats

Recommended Turrets:
use the following turrets in the corresponding age for the best defense:

Egg Automatic – Stone Age
Fire Catapult – Castle Age
Small Cannons, then upgrade to Explosive Cannons – Pilgrim Age
Double Cannons – Modern Age
Blue Ion Cannons – Futuristic

Easy wins hints:
-Purchase a turret, preferably an upgraded version such as the Fire Catapult, Egg Automatic, or Explosive Cannon, and let enemies close in to your base. Build either a single infantryman, or a infantry/archer team. They will kill the maximum for their gold by being within range of the turret, and will die before getting anywhere within range of your enemy’s turret. You may not have full life by the end because of enemy archers, but it is the easiest way to win.

-Waiting until at least five men on the enemy side are created, then use your special to get enough money for the egg launcher. Do not create units unless necessary, and build up money by your turret.

-Make plenty of turrets and, when enemies are about to hit you, pause game play. The enemy must start the attack again and your turrets will continue to hit the enemy. Note: This does not work with long range units from the third age or later.

-Save as much money as possible and purchase all four turret spots, then buy two fire catapults, one explosive cannon, and one double machine gun from the fourth age. Do not buy any infantry unless the enemy is at the large tree in front of your base. Once you evolve to the fifth age, sell all your turrets and purchase four ion rays. Nothing should get to your base. When you have enough money buy some super soldiers.

-Reach the Future Age, then build three Ion Turrets. Wait for about 15 to 30 minutes (without recruiting anything) until you get 450,000, then recruit three Super Soldiers.

-When you reach the Future Age, get the Ion Cannon. When fired it shoots several shots and kills the CPU’s infantry, then the bullets will hit the enemy base.

-In the Future Age, save all your money. Buy an Ion Cannon and keep making your Turret Tower to the top. Fill all the spaces with Ion Cannons. The turrets will stop everything.

-In the Future Age, buyfour turret spots. Have two Titanium Shooters and two Laser Cannons. Save until you have 80,000 gold and sell a Laser Cannon. You will now have enough for an Ion Cannon. Repeat this process. When you have four Ion Cannons, wait until you have enough for plenty of Super Soldiers for easy wins. Note: The Ion Cannons will defeat anything that gets close to your base.

-Play through the game in any mode while saving as much money as possible during the first four ages. In the fifth age, the Future Age, get all the turret spots and fill them with blue Ion Rays. Just as soon as the enemy creates units, they will be destroyed by the Ion Ray. After they are destroyed, any stray blue circles will hit the enemy base. This will result in an easy win after about half an hour under the Easy difficulty setting.

-When you reach the Modern Age, get all the turret stations. Put rockets on all of the turret stations. When you get to the Space Age, get a group of blasters. It might take awhile but it is a good way to win.

-In the first age, get turrets and save for plenty of Dinoriders. Wait until your enemy gets to the second age. Note: You may want to put up a couple men for extra defense while waiting. Then, get a lot of Dinoriders and keep them coming. After three or four minutes, go to the next age and get some Swordsmen and Crossbowmen.Occasionally they will go in front of the Dinoriders.

-When you reach the fourth Age, build four turret locations. Purchase all four double shooters then go to the next level. Play any other game in a new tab and allow your old game to remain idle. Return after a couple minutes. Create eight Super Soldiers and ten Blasters behind them.

Easy money hint:
Upgrade until you get to the final upgrade (in the Futuristic Era). Get enough money to have all the turret spots. Get four of the red cannons. If you have the patience to wait a few hours, you will have enough money to buy anything desired.

Recharge special attack:

Right after using a special attack, pause game play. The special attack will recharge while the game is paused.

Special attack line hint:
Pause game play as soon as you click to use your special attack, then wait for it to stop shaking. The special attack will all come down at the same time and kill most of your enemies. Note: This cannot be done in the third age.

Faster reloading hint:
With weapons like the fire launcher, pause game play when it fires. The weapon will reload and fire faster.

Turrets attack enemy bases:

Choose Easy mode, then reach the final age and build four Ion Cannons. They will destroy everything as soon as it comes out, then they will accidentally shoot the enemy base.

Keep healing special glitch:
Play in Easy mode and evolve to the third age, then purposely start losing. Just before you are about to lose, use your special which heals the men. After losing, play in any desired mode. When you make units, they will have that healing special from the third age.

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